Data Wrangling 4: Merging/Joining Data Frames


Horacio Lopez-Nicora


September 23, 2024

1 Introduction

In the past two weeks, we’ve been learning about several functions from the dplyr package, a central workhorse of the tidyverse ecosystem, to manipulate data in data frames.

In real-world data analysis, it’s uncommon to work with just a single data frame. More often than not, you will be dealing with multiple data frames that you need to combine to effectively address your analytical questions.

In this session, we will explore the essential techniques for merging data frames using the _join functions provided by the dplyr package.

Learning objectives for today

  1. Understand Join Fundamentals:
    • Grasp the basics of joins and their significance in merging datasets.
    • Learn about keys and their use in linking different data frames.
  2. Explore Mutating Joins:
    • Get acquainted with mutating join functions in dplyr, such as inner_join, left_join, right_join, and full_join.
    • Learn how to add new columns to a data frame using matching records from another.
  3. Discover Filtering Joins:
    • Learn how to use filtering join functions like semi_join and anti_join.
    • Understand how to retain or exclude records in one data frame based on matches with another data frame.

Setting up

Load the tidyverse meta-package:

── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ dplyr     1.1.4     ✔ readr     2.1.5
✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.1
✔ ggplot2   3.5.1     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
✔ lubridate 1.9.3     ✔ tidyr     1.3.1
✔ purrr     1.0.2     
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors

2 Data Jazz: Merging with dplyr Joins

Just as a jazz band brings together a variety of instruments to create a rich, spontaneous musical experience, data analysis often involves merging different data sets to form a coherent and insightful whole. Each data set can be thought of as an instrument in a jazz ensemble, contributing its unique timbre and melody to the overall composition.

When you use join functions from the `dplyr` package in R Studio, it’s like orchestrating an improvisational jazz performance where the trumpet’s crisp notes (one data set) harmonize with the saxophone’s smooth riffs (another data set), underpinned by the piano’s rhythmic chords (yet another data set).

By cleverly combining these data sets through joins, you can produce an insightful and dynamic data analysis, much like a jazz composition that resonates on multiple levels.

Illustration by Barandash Karandashich

Illustration by Barandash Karandashich

To explore the _join functions we will create our own data sets:

Musicians data frame:
musicians <- tibble(
  musician_id = 1:5,
  name = c("John Coltrane", "Miles Davis", "Thelonious Monk", "Ella Fitzgerald", "Louis Armstrong"),
  instrument = c("Saxophone", "Trumpet", "Piano", "Vocals", "Trumpet"),
  years_active = c("1945-1967", "1944-1975", "1934-1975", "1934-1993", "1919-1971"),
  genre = c("Jazz", "Jazz", "Bebop", "Swing", "Jazz")
Albums data frame:
albums <- tibble(
  album_id = 1:6,
  musician_id = c(1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5),
  album_title = c("Blue Train", "Kind of Blue", "Monk's Dream", "Bitches Brew", "Ella in Berlin", "Louis Armstrong Plays W.C. Handy"),
  release_year = c(1957, 1959, 1963, 1970, 1960, 1954),
  genre = c("Hard Bop", "Modal Jazz", "Bebop", "Fusion", "Vocal Jazz", "Jazz")
Awards data frame:
awards <- tibble(
  award_id = 1:5,
  musician_id = c(1, 2, 4, 4, 5),
  award_name = c("Grammy Hall of Fame", "Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award", "Grammy Hall of Fame", "National Medal of Arts", "Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award"),
  year = c(1999, 1990, 1999, 1987, 1972)
Gigs data frame:
gigs <- tibble(
  gig_id = 1:6,
  musician_id = c(1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 5),
  venue = c("Blue Note", "Village Vanguard", "Birdland", "Newport Jazz Festival", "Montreux Jazz Festival", "Cotton Club"),
  date = as.Date(c("1961-11-18", "1961-03-21", "1961-04-12", "1962-07-11", "1965-03-10", "1937-06-26")),
  city = c("New York", "New York", "New York", "Newport", "Montreux", "Harlem")

3 Let’s explore the different _join funtions

When merging datasets, we typically integrate variables from one dataset into another using a specific “key” variable. Let’s examine our JAZZ datasets and explore the joining verbs:

3.1 Setting the Stage

Key variables

Set up

3.2 Mutating _join funtions:

Illustration by Barandash Karandashich

Chapter 19: Joins [R4DS (2ed)]

left_join (and right_join)



Left join: Musicians with all their gigs.

musicians |> left_join(gigs, 
                       by = join_by(musician_id)) 

Right join: All albums and related musicians.

musicians |> right_join(albums, 
                        by = join_by(musician_id)) 

inner_join (and full_join)



Inner join: Musicians and their albums.

musicians |> inner_join(awards, 
                        by = join_by(musician_id)) 

Full join: Complete overview of musicians and their awards.

musicians |> full_join(awards, 
                        by = join_by(musician_id)) 

3.3 Exercises I

A) Find all albums by Miles Davis.

Hint (click here) Use an inner join to list all albums released by Miles Davis. Then use filter() to end up with a data set with information only for Miles Davis.
Solution (click here)
musicians |> inner_join(albums, by = join_by(musician_id)) |>
  filter(name == "Miles Davis")
# A tibble: 2 × 9
  musician_id name        instrument years_active genre.x album_id album_title 
        <dbl> <chr>       <chr>      <chr>        <chr>      <int> <chr>       
1           2 Miles Davis Trumpet    1944-1975    Jazz           2 Kind of Blue
2           2 Miles Davis Trumpet    1944-1975    Jazz           4 Bitches Brew
# ℹ 2 more variables: release_year <dbl>, genre.y <chr>

B) Combine musicians, gigs, and awards information.

Hint (click here) Perform a left join to combine musicians with their gigs and awards information.
Solution (click here)
musicians |> left_join(gigs, by = join_by(musician_id)) |>
  left_join(awards, by = join_by(musician_id), relationship = "many-to-many")
# A tibble: 8 × 12
  musician_id name   instrument years_active genre gig_id venue date       city 
        <dbl> <chr>  <chr>      <chr>        <chr>  <int> <chr> <date>     <chr>
1           1 John … Saxophone  1945-1967    Jazz       1 Blue… 1961-11-18 New …
2           1 John … Saxophone  1945-1967    Jazz       5 Mont… 1965-03-10 Mont…
3           2 Miles… Trumpet    1944-1975    Jazz       2 Vill… 1961-03-21 New …
4           2 Miles… Trumpet    1944-1975    Jazz       3 Bird… 1961-04-12 New …
5           3 Thelo… Piano      1934-1975    Bebop     NA <NA>  NA         <NA> 
6           4 Ella … Vocals     1934-1993    Swing      4 Newp… 1962-07-11 Newp…
7           4 Ella … Vocals     1934-1993    Swing      4 Newp… 1962-07-11 Newp…
8           5 Louis… Trumpet    1919-1971    Jazz       6 Cott… 1937-06-26 Harl…
# ℹ 3 more variables: award_id <int>, award_name <chr>, year <dbl>

C) List of venues with musician information.

Hint (click here) Perform a right join to get a list of all gig venues and the associated musician details.
Solution (click here)
musicians |> right_join(gigs, by = join_by(musician_id))
# A tibble: 6 × 9
  musician_id name   instrument years_active genre gig_id venue date       city 
        <dbl> <chr>  <chr>      <chr>        <chr>  <int> <chr> <date>     <chr>
1           1 John … Saxophone  1945-1967    Jazz       1 Blue… 1961-11-18 New …
2           1 John … Saxophone  1945-1967    Jazz       5 Mont… 1965-03-10 Mont…
3           2 Miles… Trumpet    1944-1975    Jazz       2 Vill… 1961-03-21 New …
4           2 Miles… Trumpet    1944-1975    Jazz       3 Bird… 1961-04-12 New …
5           4 Ella … Vocals     1934-1993    Swing      4 Newp… 1962-07-11 Newp…
6           5 Louis… Trumpet    1919-1971    Jazz       6 Cott… 1937-06-26 Harl…

3.4 Filtering _join funtions:

Anti join

Anti join

Semi join

Semi join

anti_join (and semi_join)



Semi join: Musicians who have received awards.

musicians |> semi_join(awards, 
                        by = join_by(musician_id)) 

Notice that the observations in both data frames are the similar, but that the inner join adds the variables from the data frame “y”, whereas the semi join only uses the “y” data frame to determine which observations to keep.

3.5 Exercises II

A) Find musicians without any gigs.

Hint (click here) Using an anti join, find musicians who haven’t have any gigs in this period.
Solution (click here)
musicians |> anti_join(gigs, 
                        by = join_by(musician_id)) 

4 Merging Data Sets in Base R

The merge function in base R can perform inner joins, left joins, right joins, and full joins by specifying appropriate parameters.

Left join: Musicians with all their gigs.

merge(musicians, gigs, all.x = TRUE, by = "musician_id") 

Right join: All albums and related musicians.

merge(musicians, albums, all.y = TRUE, by = "musician_id") 

Inner join: Musicians and their albums.

merge(musicians, awards, all = FALSE, by = "musician_id") 

Full join: Complete overview of musicians and their awards.

merge(musicians, awards, all = TRUE, by = "musician_id") 

With merge(), you can achieve the same results as dplyr’s mutating joins, though dplyr provides a more explicit and often more readable syntax for many users. Both methods are powerful, and understanding both can be very useful in different contexts!

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