About OSU Code Club

The Code Club at Ohio State University is a regularly occurring, interactive, in-person and online gathering to improve coding skills. We aim for a supportive and fun culture of learning together, and hope to offer something to participants at any experience level.

Anyone who studies or works at the Ohio State University is welcome to join: please fill out this short form if you want to do so.

In each session, one of the organizers will be presenting. Code Club sessions are meant to be interactive and involved, so be prepared to follow along yourself and to do exercises, sometimes in groups with other participants.

Teaching materials for each Code Club session are added to this website and will continue to be available. Code Club has run since the fall of 2020, and materials for the 71 sessions in the semesters prior to autumn 2023 are currently available at https://biodash.github.io but will eventually be migrated to this website.

By popular demand, Code Club has so far focused entirely on the R language and its surrounding ecosystem (R Markdown, Shiny, etc).

If you have any suggestions or requests for Code Club, don’t hesitate to contact one of the organizers.

Sign up!

To sign up, please fill out this short form and you will be added to Code Club email list. Then, you’ll receive emails with updates about each session, links to the Zoom meeting and our folder with Zoom recordings of previous sessions.


The current organizers of Code Club are:

In previous semesters, we also had co-organizers Michael Broe (EEOB), Mike Sovic (CAPS), and Stephen Opiyo (MCIC Columbus).

Learn more about -and get ready for- Code Club

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