Schedule for Code Club


January 18, 2024

During the spring semester of 2024, we will be starting with R from the very beginning. We are meeting on Fridays from 12-1pm. Join us:

  • In person in Columbus (Howlett 340 with Jessica Cooperstone & Horacio Lopez-Nicora)
  • In Wooster (Gerlaugh 122 with Jelmer Poelstra)
  • Through Zoom (sign up to receive the Zoom link)

For an overview of all previous Code Club sessions, including from previous semesters, see the Previous sessions page.

Session Date Presenter Link
S07E01 Jan 12 Jess R Basics 1: R, RStudio, and Projects
S07E02 Jan 19 Jelmer R Basics 2: Scripts and Objects
S07E03 Jan 26 Horacio R Basics 3: Built-in functions, Vectors, and Help
S07E04 Feb 02 Jess R Basics 4: Vectorized Operations and Data Frames
S07E05 Feb 09 Horacio R Basics 5: Data manipulation in base R
S07E06 Feb 16 Jess Tidyverse 1: An introduction to the tidyverse
S07E07 Feb 23 Jelmer Tidyverse 2: More basic data wrangling
S07E08 Mar 01 Jelmer Tidyverse 3: Grouping and summarizing data
S07E09 Mar 08 Aaron Wiedemer Tidyverse 4: Tidy data and pivot functions
- Mar 15 - Spring Break: no Code Club
S07E10 Mar 22 Jess Tidyverse 4: Data import
S07E11 Mar 29 Jelmer Plotting 1: Intro to ggplot2

<<<<<<< HEAD | S07E12 | Apr 05 | Horacio | Plotting 2: aesthetics, violin, and boxplots | | S07E13 | Apr 12 | Horacio | Plotting 3: histogram, density, and bar plots | ======= | S07E12 | Apr 05 | Horacio | Plotting 2: Intro to ggplot2 | | S07E13 | Apr 12 | Horacio | Plotting 3: Intro to ggplot2 | >>>>>>> 75f7dd478884b5fd5ad0f8811e768dad5e0a49f3 | S07E14 | Apr 19 | Jelmer | Plotting 4 |

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