Previous Code Club sessions


January 15, 2024

Current semester (Spring ’24)

Session Date Presenter Link
S07E01 Jan 12 Jess R Basics 1: R, RStudio, and RStudio Projects
S07E02 Jan 19 Jelmer R Basics 2: Scripts and objects
S07E03 Jan 26 Horacio R Basics 3: Built-in functions, vectors, and help
S07E04 Feb 02 Jess R Basics 4: Vectorized pperations and data frames
S07E05 Feb 09 Horacio R Basics 5: Data manipulation in base R
S07E06 Feb 16 Jess Tidyverse 1: An introduction to the tidyverse
S07E07 Feb 23 Jelmer Tidyverse 2: More basic data wrangling
S07E08 Mar 01 Jelmer Tidyverse 3: Grouping and summarizing data
S07E09 Mar 08 Aaron Wiedemer Tidyverse 4: Tidy data and pivot functions
S07E10 Mar 22 Jess Tidyverse 4: Data import
S07E11 Mar 29 Jelmer Plotting 1: Intro to ggplot2
Ask us for access to the Zoom recordings of previous Code Club sessions!

Previous semesters

Fall ’23

Session Date Presenter Link
S06E01 Aug 28 Jess Quarto Website 1: Initiating a website
S06E02 Sep 11 Jelmer Quarto Website 2: Adding a page & YAML formatting
S06E03 Sep 18 Jess Quarto Website 3: Deploying to GitHub
S06E04 Sep 25 Jelmer Quarto Website 4: Interacting with your repository
S06E05 Oct 2 Jess Quarto Website 5: Modifying your site
S06E06 Oct 9 Jelmer Quarto Website 6: Quarto features
S06E07 Oct 16 Jess Quarto Website 7: Quarto presentations
S06E08 Oct 30 Horacio Shiny Apps 01: Intro to Shiny
S06E09 Nov 06 Horacio Shiny Apps 02: Intro to Shiny (cont.)
S06E10 Nov 13 Horacio & Sandip Shiny Apps 03: Map viz. in Shiny
S06E10 Dec 04 Horacio Shiny Apps 04: Deploying our Shiny App

Spring ’23

Session Date Presenter Topic + link to BioDASH page
S05E01 Jan 26 Jelmer R4DS, Ch. 4: Pipes
S05E02 Feb 02 Stephen R4DS, Ch. 6: Tidy Data, I
S05E03 Feb 09 Jessica & Daniel R4DS, Ch. 6: Tidy Data, II
S05E04 Feb 16 Michael R4DS, Ch. 7: Code Style
S05E05 Feb 23 Jelmer R4DS, Ch. 8: Data Import, I
S05E06 Mar 02 Stephen R4DS, Ch. 8: Data Import, II
S05E07 Mar 09 Jessica R4DS, Ch. 9: Scripts & Projects
S05E08 Mar 23 Jessica R4DS, Ch. 10: ggplot layers, part 1
S05E09 Mar 30 Jelmer R4DS, Ch. 10: ggplot layers, part 2

Summer & Fall ’22

Session Date Presenter Topic
S04E01 June 09 Jelmer R4DS, Ch. 1: Intro
S04E02 June 23 Michael B. R4DS, Ch. 3.1- 3.4: Data viz I
S04E03 June 30 Jessica R4DS, Ch. 3.5: Data viz II
S04E04 July 07 Jessica R4DS, Ch. 3.6: Data viz III
S04E05 July 14 Mike S. R4DS, Ch. 3.7: Data viz IV
S04E06 July 21 Jelmer R4DS, Ch. 3.8-3.10: Data viz V
S04E07 July 28 Michael B. R4DS, Ch. 27: R Markdown
S04E08 Sept 15 Jessica R4DS, Ch. 4, 6 & 8: Workflow
S04E09 Sept 22 Jelmer R4DS, Ch. 5.1-5.2: Data transformation I - intro and filter()
S04E10 Oct 06 Michael B. R4DS, Ch. 5.3: Data transformation II - arrange()
S04E11 Oct 20 Michael B. R4DS, Ch. 5.4: Data transformation III - select()
S04E12 Oct 27 Stephen R4DS, Ch. 5.5: Data transformation IV - mutate()
S04E13 Nov 03 Mike S. R4DS, Ch. 5.6: Data transformation V - summarize() part 1
S04E14 Nov 10 Jessica R4DS, Ch. 5.6: Data transformation V - summarize() part 2
S04E15 Nov 17 Jelmer R4DS, Ch. 7.1-7.3: Exploratory Data Analysis I
S04E16 Dec 01 Jelmer R4DS, Ch. 7.1-7.3: Exploratory Data Analysis II
S04E17 Dec 08 Michael B. R4DS, Ch. 10: Tibbles

Spring ’22

Session Date Presenter Topic (+ link) Topic block
S03E01 Jan 13 Mike S. T-tests Basic statistics in R
S03E02 Jan 20 Jessica ANOVA Basic statistics in R
S03E03 Jan 27 Jelmer Principal Component Analysis Basic statistics in R
S03E04 Feb 03 Jessica ANOVA part II Basic statistics in R
S03E05 Feb 10 Stephen Correlation Basic statistics in R
S03E06 Feb 17 Michael B. Data structures and subsetting Basic statistics in R
S03E07 Feb 24 Jelmer Intro to “DRY” and iteration “Don’t repeat yourself”
S03E08 Mar 03 Jelmer Loops “Don’t repeat yourself”
S03E09 Mar 10 Mike S. Apply functions “Don’t repeat yourself”
S03E10 Mar 24 Mike S. Purrr map functions “Don’t repeat yourself”
S03E11 Apr 14 Michael B. Writing functions part I “Don’t repeat yourself”
S03E12 Apr 21 Michael B. Incorporating your own functions in loops “Don’t repeat yourself”

Fall ’21

Session Date Presenter Topic (+ link) Topic block
S02E01 Aug 26 Jelmer R basics – part I R basics
S02E02 Sep 2 Mike S. R basics – part II R basics
S02E03 Sep 9 Michael B. R Markdown R basics
S02E04 Sep 16 Jessica Tidyverse intro – part I R basics
S02E05 Sep 23 Stephen Tidyverse intro – part II R basics
S02E06 Sep 30 Michael B. ggplot intro – part I Plotting in R
S02E07 Oct 07 Jelmer ggplot intro – part II Plotting in R
S02E08 Oct 21 Mike S. Faceting plots Plotting in R
S02E09 Oct 28 Mike S. Faceting and combining plots Plotting in R
S02E10 Nov 04 Daniel Moreno Statistical results in plots with ggpubr Plotting in R
S02E11 Nov 18 Julia Vrtilek Bat vocalizations with R at OSC Putting code to practice
S02E12 Dec 02 Matthew Teegarden Interactive applications with Shiny Putting code to practice
S02E13 Dec 09 Jessica Interactive plots with Plotly Plotting in R

Fall ’20 & Spring ’21

Session nr. Date Presenter Topic (+ link) Other
S01E01 Nov 18, 2020 Jelmer RStudio Projects & getting started slides
S01E02 Dec 2, 2020 Jessica dplyr core verbs
S01E03 Dec 9, 2020 Mike S. Joining datasets
S01E04 Dec 16, 2020 Michael B. ggplot2 – round 1
S01E05 Jan 15, 2021 Jessica ggplot2 – round 2
S01E06 Jan 22, 2021 Stephen Factors
S01E07 Jan 29, 2021 Jelmer R Markdown
S01E08 Feb 5, 2021 Mike S. Pivoting data
S01E09 Feb 12, 2021 Michael B. Subsetting data
S01E10 Feb 19, 2021 Jessica Faceting, animating, and combining plots
S01E11 Feb 26, 2021 Stephen Making maps with ggmap
S01E12 Mar 5, 2021 Jelmer Vectorization and loops
S01E13 Mar 12, 2021 Mike S. The apply family of functions
S01E14 Mar 19, 2021 Michael B. Writing your own functions
S01E15 Mar 26, 2021 Jessica Interactive plots with Plotly
S01E16 Apr 02, 2021 Stephen Working with dates with lubridate
S01E17 Apr 09, 2021 Jelmer Introduction to regular expressions
S01E18 Apr 16, 2021 Mike S. Regular Expressions: Part II
S01E19 Apr 23, 2021 Michael B. Word Clouds via tidytext
S01E20 Apr 30, 2021 Jessica Cleaning up variables names
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