Shiny 04: Deploying Shiny App

Deploying Shiny App using ShinyLive .


Horacio Lopez-Nicora


December 4, 2023

Welcome to our shiny app development class! We are now fully prepared to deploy our shiny app to our website.

There are several options available for deploying a shiny app, and we will utilize our knowledge of using the quarto website to accomplish this task.

1 Deploying Shiny App using Quarto with R Shinylive

We are going to use the following tutorial: Using r-shinylive for Serverless Shiny Apps in Quarto Documents

1.1 Step 1

To begin, you’ll need to install the r-shinylive R package. This package is currently hosted on GitHub and can be easily obtained from the R console by executing the following command:

# Install the 'pak' package manager if you haven't already
# Install 'r-shinylive' using 'pak'

1.2 Step 2

To install the Quarto extension for shinylive, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Terminal tab.
  2. Run the following command:
# quarto add quarto-ext/shinylive

1.3 Step 3

To include a Shiny app directly in your Quarto file (.qmd), you need to add a filter key for shinylive at the top of the desired Quarto file. Open your Quarto file and insert the following YAML header:

  - shinylive

1.4 Step 4

You can include the code for a Shiny application in a code block indicated by {shinylive-r}. Here is an example of how your code block could appear:

title: "Our first r-shinylive Quarto document!"
  - shinylive

#| standalone: true


# Define your Shiny UI here
#ui <- fluidPage(
  # Your UI components go here

# Define your Shiny server logic here
#server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Your server code goes here

# Create and launch the Shiny app
#shinyApp(ui, server)

1.5 Step 5

If you have encountered issues with the quarto publish function, you can easily resolve them by adding the following steps:

      - shinylive-sw.js

2 Here is an example of a ‘shiny’ app deployed on our website!

#| standalone: true
#| viewerHeight: 600


# Define UI for app that draws a histogram ----
ui <- fluidPage(

  # App title ----
  titlePanel("Hello Shiny!"),

  # Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----

    # Sidebar panel for inputs ----

      # Input: Slider for the number of bins ----
      sliderInput(inputId = "bins",
                  label = "Number of bins:",
                  min = 1,
                  max = 50,
                  value = 30)


    # Main panel for displaying outputs ----

      # Output: Histogram ----
      plotOutput(outputId = "distPlot")


# Define server logic required to draw a histogram ----
server <- function(input, output) {

  # Histogram of the Old Faithful Geyser Data ----
  # with requested number of bins
  # This expression that generates a histogram is wrapped in a call
  # to renderPlot to indicate that:
  # 1. It is "reactive" and therefore should be automatically
  #    re-executed when inputs (input$bins) change
  # 2. Its output type is a plot
  output$distPlot <- renderPlot({

    x    <- faithful$waiting
    bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)

    hist(x, breaks = bins, col = "#75AADB", border = "white",
         xlab = "Waiting time to next eruption (in mins)",
         main = "Histogram of waiting times")



# Create Shiny app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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