Quarto website 3: Deploying your website with GitHub đŸ±

Using GitHub, GitHub Desktop, and GitHub Pages to deploy our website đŸ€©ïž.


Jessica Cooperstone


September 18, 2023

1 Introduction

We are continuing this semester’s Code Club series on making yourself a website. So far, we have gone through:

  1. How to initiate your site
  2. How to add content
  3. How to customize its look

Today, we are going to take our website live, with the help of GitHub, Github Desktop, and Github Pages. You can find all the source code for this practice website on GitHub.

The book Happy Git and GitHub for the useR is a super good resource by Jenny Bryan that talks about all this in extreme detail. Some of my materials below are inspired by some of this material.

1.1 What is Git?

Git is a version control system that allows materials (mostly code), in an organized way where changes are tracked. You can think of it as combining the tracked changes capabilities of Word, with the file sharing from OneDrive.

We are going to use Git (combined with GitHub, more on that in a second) to deploy our website, but it can also be used to share and make code available to collaborators or the wider data science community. You could even use Git for just yourself because it would allow you to always revert back to a previous version of any of your files in case you make a big mistake.

Here is a nice illustration by Allison Horst that shows the basics of git (at least the basics of what we will be using).

A basic git workflow represented as two islands, one with local repo and working directory, and another with remote repo. Bunnies move file boxes from the working directory to the staging area, then with Commit move them to the local repo. Bunnies in rowboats move changes from the local repo to the remote repo (labeled PUSH) and from the remote repo to the working directory (labeled PULL). Art by Allison Horst

Figure from Allison Horst

1.2 What is GitHub?

GitHub hosts Git-based projects. GitHub can be free (especially for academic projects), and is where we house all our Code Club content. I additionally use GitHub in my lab for creating code repositories that go along with our publications.

1.3 What is GitHub Pages?

GitHub Pages is a tool allows you to host your website directly from a GitHub repository.

1.4 What is GitHub Desktop?

GitHub Desktop is a application that lets you use Git and GitHub in a less-scary-than-working-in-your-terminal way. Here is a longer tutorial on how to use GitHub desktop.

2 Set output directory in YAML to docs

The first thing we want to do, is make a change in your _quarto.yml file to what the output directory of the site is, so it is more compatible with GitHub Pages.

Go into your _quarto.yml and under project:, set output-dir: docs, like this:

  type: website
  output-dir: docs

What this does is change where the compiled website goes.

There are three different ways you can publish Quarto websites to GitHub pages, but the one I am going over here is the simplest.

Be sure to build your page now by going to the Build tab in the top right quadrant, and click Render Website.

a screenshot of the Build tab in RStudio

3 Install Git

If you don’t already have Git, download and install it: https://git-scm.com/downloads.

4 Create a GitHub account

In order to connect have your site hosted with GitHub and GitHub Pages, you need a GitHub account.

Create a GitHub account by going to github.com/join.

a screenshot of getting a GitHub account

You will have to pick a username - remember that other people will see this username so use one you’d feel comfortable with. Here is some advice for picking a username.

6 Add version control to your website project

Make sure that your website project is open in RStudio. Then go to Tools > Version Control > Project Setup. We will use Git as our version control system, and will confirm a new git repository.

a screenshot of adding a GitHub repo

7 Add your repository in GitHub Desktop and publish it

Now we are going to link this project that has version control with GitHub Desktop.

In GitHub Desktop, click File > Add Local Repository, select your website’s top-level folder, and click Add Repository. This repo is now added to GitHub desktop. Still in GitHub Desktop, click the large Publish repository button towards the top. Uncheck the Keep this code private box and click Publish Repository.

a screenshot of publishing your repo in Github desktop

8 Commit and push your website to GitHub

Still in GitHub Desktop,r click the refresh button at the top middle. You should see a bunch of files (all those that comprise your website) under Changes in the tab on the left side.

We are going to now commit our files along with a comment on what we are doing in the bottom left of GitHub desktop. Once you’ve written your comment, press Commit to main. This sends your files to your local repo.

a screenshot of the initial commit in GitHub desktop

Once you’ve done that, click Push origin in the top right. This sends your files from your local repository to GitHub. Note that in the screenshot below there are no files indicated under changes, since I’ve already committed them.

a screenshot of pushing to origin in GitHub desktop

Nice! Now we should be able to see your website in your GitHub repo. Navigate there in your browser and check. The website files should be there.

a screenshot of what our repo looks like on GitHub.com

9 Set GitHub Pages to deploy from docs

The last thing we need to do to get our website to render is to change some settings for GitHub Pages.

In your repo, click on the Settings button in the top right of the page. Then click on the Pages tab on the left. Under Branch, we want to set our page to:

  • build from main
  • and render from the /docs folder

Then click Save.

a screenshot of the settings for GitHub pages to render from docs

Refresh your page and you should now be able to visit your site! There will be a link at the top of the page. You did it!! Check out your new site.

a screenshot of the settings for GitHub pages to render from docs
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