This practice website was created to use as teaching materials for Ohio State University’s Code Club.
The basics steps for creating a website are:
1 Initiate a Quarto website in RStudio
You can learn how to initiate a new Quarto website here.
2 Add new pages
You can learn how to add new pages here.
3 Customize your YAML
You can learn how to customize your YAML here.
4 Deploy using GitHub
You can learn how to deploy your website using GitHub, GitHub Pages, and GitHub Desktop here.
5 Interact with your GitHub repo
You can learn how to change the URL for your website, add About and description on GitHub, and push your changes online, here.
6 Alter your website styling
You can learn how to make a fancy about page, add drop down headers, and change the styling of your site here.
7 Make a Quarto presentation
You can learn how to make a Quarto presentaation here.